Creating a scenario and Running it

Creating a scenario and running it in HeartyPresenter is a very simple process. Here is what you need to do

Create a PowerPoint file

  1. Create slides
  2. Write the reading text in the notes field

Create a scenario file

  1. Start up from the desktop icon.
  2. Select the PowerPoint file for which you want to create a scenario
  3. Click the “Create Scenario” button.
  4. Once the scenario file is created, the scenario display screen will open in edit mode.
  5. Be able to edit the scenario from this screen.
  6. Scenarios can be executed from the menu on this screen.

Executing scenario

  1. Click on “Run from Start” from the menu.
  2. The screen switches to the execution mode and the scenario is executed.

Control the progress of the scenario

  1. The red dot at the beginning of the line will be the cursor indicating the current action.
  2. You can control the execution of the current slide from the bottom operation menu.

When present again

  1. Start from the desktop icon.
  2. The  recently opened scenario file is listed, and you can select from it.
  3. If it is not in the list, click “Other”.
  4. A file browser will open, from which you can select the file.

Edit a scenario

Of course, you can edit the scenario you created later, and various functions are available.


For more information, please click here from the manual.